Information Technology
The Registration Mass Entry form (SFAMREG) provides the ability to register a group of students for a class section. It can be used to register a group of Advanced Southern Credit students into a section.
Accessing the Registration Mass Entry form from Banner
Banner includes a Registration menu. This menu contains the forms used to aid in registering students. When you become familiar with the names of the forms, you can eliminate the use of menus by typing the 7 character form name (SFAMREG) in the Go To box.
- Log into Banner.
- Open Student menu.
- Open Registration menu.
- Select the Registration Mass Entry form.
Registering Advanced Southern Credit Students
To register Advanced Southern Credit students in a class section, select the Registration Mass Entry form (SFAMREG). The Registration Mass Entry form is divided into 4 tabs: Search, Update, Error Checking, and Results.
Search Tab
The Search tab is used to enter general registration information. In the Registration Term and Date block, enter the following information:
Registration Term: Enter the term to register students. Choose Help/List from the menu bar to view valid values.
Registration Date: Enter the registration date. The current date is the default.
Once the above information has been entered, click on the Update tab.
Update Tab
The Update tab is used to enter the section to register students for. In the Registration Course Add Values block, enter the following information:
CRN: Course Reference Number for section to register students for. Choose Help/List from the menu bar to view valid values. After you enter a valid CRN, other information in the block will get populated automatically.
Grade Mode: Enter the grade mode. Choose Help/List from the menu bar to view valid values.
Level: Enter the level code the students will be taking the course at. Choose Help/List from the menu bar to view valid values.
Once the above information has been entered, click on the Error Checking tab.
Error Checking Tab
The Error Checking tab is used to identify the registration error checking the system should perform. There are different severity levels available for error checking:
Select the error checking you would like to have done and click on the Results tab.
Fatal: If Fatal is selected, registration will fail if this error is encountered.
Warning: If Warning is selected, a warning message will occur but registration will not fail if this error is encountered.
No Check: If No Check is selected, the error condition will not be checked.
Results Tab
The Results tab is used to enter the students to register in the section. For each student you wish to register, enter the following information:
Select: Check the Select box to include the student.
ID: Enter the ID of the student. If you do not know the ID, you may tab to the next field and enter a full or partial name or you may choose Help/List from the menu bar to do a search.
Name: Name associated with the student. If you have not entered an ID, enter the full or partial name of the student in the format of “Last, First”. A % may be used as a wildcard (i.e., Enter Smith, Ja% to search for a student with the last name of Smith and a first name starting with the letters Ja).
Once the students have been entered, click the Submit box in the Submission block and then choose File/Save from the menu bar. This will start the mass entry processing. When the mass entry processing has completed, review the Message box for each student to determine if there were any errors.
When done, choose File/Exit from the menu bar to exit the form.
For additional help, please call the Faculty & Staff Help Desk at 552-6900 or email
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