Information Technology
Southern Oregon University uses the Ellucian Banner Self-Service software to provide secure, easy access for faculty, staff, and students to view and maintain their SOU data in the Banner administrative database. Banner Self-Service is available for Admissions, Student, Employee, Faculty/Advisors, and Finance data.
Student Self-Service provides students with access to their student’s class schedule, grades, unofficial transcript, accounts receivable information, and the ability to register for classes. It provides prospective students with access to the course catalog and class schedule and the ability to apply for admission.
Faculty and Advisor Self-Service provides faculty access to their class schedule, class rosters, class wait lists, registration overrides, registration add/drops, curriculum information about their students, and the ability to enter and change grades.
Finance Self-Service provides Banner Finance customers access to finance information and the ability to approve documents. Access is defined by the implementation of Fund/Organization Security and Approval Queues in Banner and by the implementation of Rule Class Security.
Employee Self-Service provides employees with access to their leave balance, pay stubs, benefit information, and W-2’s.
Banner Self-Service is available 24/7 with the exception of the 1st Saturday of each month and between the hours of 2:30am and 3:30am every Saturday.
For help with Banner Self-Service, please attend a training session, review the documentation, or contact us at
Contact IT
Phone: (541) 552-6900
Support Website: