Information Technology
The Advisees Query form (ADVISEES) provides the ability to view a list of students assigned to a specified advisor enrolled for a specific term. It lists each student’s majors, advisors, next advising plan due date, email address and phone number. This software was developed at Southern Oregon University and incorporated into the Banner system.
The Advisees Query form is available for use by all faculty and staff involved with the advising of students.
Accessing the Advisees Query Form from Banner
Banner includes an Advising menu. This menu contains the forms used to aid in advising students. When you become familiar with the names of the forms, you can eliminate the use of menus by typing the 7-10 character form name in the Direct Access box as soon as you enter Banner.
- Log into Banner.
- Open Southern Oregon University menu.
- Open Faculty menu.
- Open Advising menu.
- Select the Advisees form.
Viewing Students Assigned to an Advisor
To view a list of students assigned to a specific advisor, select the SOU Advisees Query form (ADVISEES). The Advisees Query form is divided into two visible blocks of data separated by horizontal lines. The upper block (Key block) contains information that will be used to narrow down the list of advisees. The lower block (Detail block) contains a list of the advisees assigned to the advisor in the Key block.
Key Block (Page 1 – Block 1)
The Key block specifies which advisor and term you are working with. Enter the following information:
Advisor ID: Enter the ID of the advisor you wish to get a list of advisees for. If you do not know the ID, you may tab to the next field and enter a full or partial name or you may choose Help/List from the menu bar to do a search.
Advisor Name: Name of the advisor associated with the advisor ID. If you have not entered an advisor ID, enter the full or partial name of the advisor in the format of “Last, First”. A % may be used as a wildcard (i.e., Enter Smith, Ja% to search for an advisor with the last name of Smith and a first name starting with the letters Ja).
Term: Enter the registration term code you wish to get a list of advisees for. Choose Help/List from the menu bar to view valid term codes.
Once the above fields have been entered, choose Block/Next from the menu bar to move to the Detail block or use the mouse to click into the Detail block. Advisees for the advisor entered in the Key block will be listed.
Detail Block (Page 1 – Block 2)
The Detail block will list all students assigned to the advisor entered in the Key block enrolled for the term code entered in the Key block. The Detail block contains the following information:
Student ID: ID that identifies the student in Banner.
Student Name: Name associated with the student ID.
Major 1: Major 1 of primary curriculum associated with the student.
Major 2: Major 2 of primary curriculum associated with the student.
Primary Advisor: Primary Advisor of the student.
Secondary Advisor: Secondary Advisor of the student.
Next Plan Due Date: The due date for the student’s next advising plan.
Email Address: SOU email address of the student.
Phone Number: Phone number of the student.
Choose File/Exit from the menu bar to exit the form.
For additional help, please call the Faculty & Staff Help Desk at 552-6900 or email
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